
When people use age as an excuse to immigrate or explore immigration!

There is neither an age for “Marriage” nor an age for “Immigration”!!!

When I talk to someone in their late 40s or mid-40s who is single or part of “Gen X”(Am I inviting trouble by mentioning Gen X? never mind..)they often say, “You know, I am past the age of marriage. Who’s going to marry me now?” “Why should I get married now?” or “Are you kidding me – get married now?? Look at these people who are married but not happy.

Let me make this clear: Do you not want to marry because of your age? Or because you didn’t marry at the right age as determined by society? Or do you not want to get married now because the people who are married aren’t happy or because you think it’s too late to get married? Because as far as I remember, there is no constitution or at least WHO dictates that you can only get married if you’re under 30, 40, 50 or 60 — I don’t know. Or do you not want to get married now because you don’t think you have a chance??

Which is it??
Or are you just not interested?? Yes… There you go!!
Not Interested!!..

Yes, the same logic. If a 45-year-old can successfully get a visa, what’s to stop someone in their late 30s from saying, “No, the chances are very slim; we’ve seen that our friends with 80 points are still in the pool”? This is just as unusual as listing reasons not to get married after a certain age! The one who received a visa at the age of 45 never gave these reasons as an excuse! She was certainly determined and willing to give herself a chance! That’s how it works, isn’t it?

Their story is not your story! Their marriage experience is not yours; likewise their immigration journey is not your immigration journey!!

It’s quite simple: if you want to get married, regardless of your age, get married. If you want to migrate, migrate as long as you’re under 45. No one has ever guaranteed marriage, life or migration. There are no guarantees in life, and it’s foolish to expect guarantees from emotional events such as marriage, immigration and relationships.

Interested? Give it a try. Give it your best shot, and be determined until you succeed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!

Not interested? Welcome to the singles club — be happy in India.
But don’t let your lack of interest or determination be an excuse.


Priya Gupal
Priya Gupal
Articles: 38

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