Canada Immigration

Canada Investment Visas

Canada Investment Visas

In continuation of my previous post, attached is a document that deals exclusively with alternative investor options for Canada(Canada Investment Visas), other than the Canada Startup Visa. However, as mentioned in my comment, both the ICT and C-11 options are…

Canada Start-up Visa Program

Canada Start-up Visa Program

And history repeats itself!… Canada start-up visa program update. Immigration is all about the law, which in turn is defined by what you can prove with actual evidence. Every law inevitably has a loophole! I’ve mentioned before in my posts…

Canada Student Visa changes!!

Canada Student Visa

Changes to Canada Student Visa.. When I said that education has become a business!! This isn’t just a Canadian, Australian or Indian problem; it’s a universal concern as we recognise the profound impact of education and editech on our daily…
