Immigration: An Investment Choice for Indian Clients, Not a Necessity Anymore!

Immigration/Permanent Residency(PR)/Investment Visas

I’ve been a part of the immigration industry since the days when people would move to other countries without much knowledge about the process due to limited options and resources. But times have changed! India is thriving and is now the fifth-largest economy globally. With a predicted 6.5% growth in 2023-24, people are no longer immigrating out of sheer desperation. some are still doing it for a better life!

Let me break down why considering immigration might make sense, something I always discuss with my clients:

Age and Immigration

If you’re over 35, age matters! Yes, it hurts, but that’s the way it’s. If you plan to immigrate in 4-5 years, it might not be feasible. Don’t blame countries for preferring younger immigrants – remember, you were young once too! PR offers flexibility, there’s no rush to move immediately!

 Investing in Your Child’s Future

As your children grow, they might express a desire to studyabroad. Don’t ask me why – it’s a trend! Many privileged background children want to study overseas, and your child might too. If that happens, you might have to invest 80 lakhs to 1 crore for their education. So, investing 3-4 lakhs in a PR program seems like a wise choice for now!

The Older, the Wiser

Suddenly, you realize you’ve amassed valuable skills, better opportunities await you abroad, and you’re eager to explore at 50!! (I’m serious, I often speak to people in the 45-50 age group. They believe their skills are more valuable as those of young professionals) Applying for a PR can help you fulfil your wish. Even if it doesn’t work out, that’s alright; no regrets, right?

Entrepreneurial Curiosity

What if? Yes, what if you could open a subsidiary/branch office or tap into a broader customer base in the international market! In that case, you should definitely consider it because curiosity can work wonders!

Why a PR Is Worth It

Think of it as a smart investment. Life is unpredictable, who knows what might happen? Getting a Permanent Residency (PR) in another country is like securing your future. It’s better than risking your money in stocks or mutual funds, which can be uncertain.

If you’re not convinced yet, that’s absolutely fine! We have incredible food, wonderful people (including me, of course) and a rich culture right here. But, if you’re someone who’s curious, financially stable, and thinking of overseas in the future, investing in a PR could be a wise choice for your future. It’s a step worth taking!

Priya Gupal
Priya Gupal
Articles: 38

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